Mae Simpson forWARD Park Concert
Wednesday, June 7
5:30 pm
Cook Park
722 7th ST NW Rochester, Minnesota 55901
The free, Wednesday evening forWARD Park Concerts are live music events showcasing local bands and regional emerging headliners. Concerts are held in six different walkable, pet friendly, and bike trail connected parks, one in each city ward.
Local food trucks, craft beer, and family-friendly fun with the Rochester Public Library's Bookmobile and Rochester Park & Rec’s Go! Play! Explore! Mobile Rec Trailer, round out these must-attend community events.
More about forWARD here.
About the Artists
5:30 PM Opener - JoJo Green - Indie fusion quintet JoJo Green is a well-oiled machine that boasts a big, energetic, uniquely authentic face-smacking sound. With strong influences from Motown, Muscle Shoals, and The Summer of Love, JoJo Green gives a nostalgic feeling to a fresh sound, easy on the ears, and exciting to the body. Listeners are mesmerized by JoJo Green's powerhouse vocals mixed with agile woodwinds, shredding guitars, funky bass, and driving drums: a surefire crowd pleaser!
6:30 PM Headliner - MAE SIMPSON - Mae Simpson has been shaking up the Minneapolis music scene ever since her band formed in 2017, performing on larger and larger stages to a growing base of loyal fans across the Midwest. Led by her powerful vocals, the seven-piece band brings audiences to their feet with driving horns and a drum and percussion duo. The Minneapolis-based singer songwriter weaves elements of funk, soul, pop, rock and country into her sound.