Haley Bonar performs live at the Minnesota State Fair
by Mark Wheat, Haley Bonar and Leah Garaas
September 04, 2014

Haley Bonar's performance at the MPR booth was her first day on the fairgrounds this year. After her live set, one thing was for sure: She was going to eat some Minnesota State Fair apple pie.
Bonar brought guitarist Jake Hanson, who plays in a slew of local acts, and her two-year-old daughter along for the show. Motherhood has definitely impacted her work ethic, says Haley. She's written more songs since Clementine was born than ever before. And when Wheat asked what advice Haley has for budding local musicians, she tells us that the only advice she can give is what her mother always told her: "Be yourself. Be yourself. Be yourself. And wear sunscreen."
Haley is happy to take up a bit of acting every once in a while, though. The Duluth native is cast as a pilot in the video for "Kill the Fun," the second single off her latest Last War. Bonar admits that she was a bit apprehensive about taking flight after her friend — unaware of the video's concept — dreamed that Haley was in a plane crash. Thankfully, the shoot went well and Haley experienced a unforgettable moment in the sky flying over Minnesota.
Songs Performed
"Woke Up in My Future"
"Heaven's Made for Two"
"Highway 16"
"Woke Up in My Future" and "Heaven's Made for Two" are off Haley Bonar's latest album, Last War, out now on Graveface Records. "Highway 16" is off Bonar's 2008 album Big Star.
Hosted by Mark Wheat
Engineered by Johnny Evans
Produced by Lindsay Kimball
Web feature by Leah Garaas