Thestand4rd (Spooky Black, Allan Kingdom, Psymun, Bobby Raps) announce tour with Nov. 1 St. Paul show

by Jay Gabler
October 10, 2014
Spooky Black has been this year's premier mystery man of the local music scene. Winning national buzz for his dream-hop sound and viral "Without You" video, the St. Paul teen is now represented by the prestigious Windish Agency for booking—yet without releasing a proper album or even playing a single show.
Audiences across America will finally have the opportunity to see Spooky Black play real, publicly-announced shows when he goes on tour with thestand4rd, a group (their name, if not their music, possibly influenced by local notables the4onthefloor and the Original 7ven) that includes up-and-coming artists Allan Kingdom and Bobby Raps as well as producer Psymun.
So far only the cities and dates on the tour have been announced—not the venues—but the tour kicks off on Nov. 1 with a show in St. Paul and concludes on Nov. 20 in Chicago. Tickets will go on sale at 6:00 p.m. today, according to promoter Basil Presents.
Thestand4rd have to date released four songs on SoundCloud and a gorgeous video for "Simple Needs." They've recently "logged a lot of studio time in Canada," reports City Pages, so a full album could be in the works.