Premiere: Sims, 'Time Don't Fear Me Back'

June 09, 2017
We're pleased to premiere "Time Don't Fear Me Back," a new single by Sims. The new, one-off single is being released as a way to celebrate the six-month anniversary of Sims's latest album, More Than Ever. "Time Don't Fear Me Back" is out today.
The song starts with a haunting Lazerbeak beat and bird-like chirping that later gives way to sirens, shattering the image of a green jungle and instead suggesting a concrete jungle. Meanwhile, Sims raps about his disillusions, and reflects on his own mortality. The song started to take shape during the recording sessions for More Than Ever, and a hint of the keen personal reflection of the album is present in the single.
More Than Ever was released last November on Doomtree Records and is Sims's third studio album. The album is an honest, introspective collection of recordings about the rapper's personal struggles and triumphs. It was written during a period of personally trying times for Sims, and the music reflects his coming to terms with these events.
Since the album's release, Sims has been staying busy with shows both here and abroad. Recently, he performed at Pouzza Fest, Montreal's punk rock music festival. He also has a couple of crew shows with Doomtree coming up at the end of July.
Doomtree will be performing on Friday, July 28 at the Subterranean in Chicago. They will also be one of the headliners of Chicago's Wicker Park Fest and are billed to perform on Saturday, July 29.