The Current

Great Music Lives Here ®
Listener-Supported Music
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Please note that our catalog only lists songs that we've set up within our system; not every track from an album is displayed. You may request a song that's not in our catalog by using our  request form.

Southern Culture On The Skids -

High Life

Other songs from Southern Culture On The Skids

89.3 Holiday Disc

Merry Christmas Baby

At Home with Southern Culture on the Skids

Run Baby Run

Bootlegger's Choice

House of Bamboo (2018 B.C.)

Countrypolitain Favorites

Engine, Engine #9

Dirt Track Trade

Nitty Gritty

Kudzu Ranch

Pig Pickin'

Liquored Up and Laquered Down

Just How Lonely

Mondo Zombie Boogaloo

Goo Goo Muck

Plastic Seat Sweat

Banana Puddin'

Surfing on Christmas Day (Single)

Surfing on Christmas Day

The Electric Pinecones

Dirt Road
Freak Flag

